A Focus on Who Will be Using the Space

When embarking upon the renovation of an office space in New York City, it’s important to focus on its design intent, which considers what the interior will be used for, who will be using it, and how it will be used.  This article will discuss the importance of considering:

1) Employees

2) Clients/Customers

3) Branding

You should enumerate the critical factors of the office interior design plan that will help you realize your vision, and what materials and products are necessary to achieve the desired results. A clear focus on design intent will eliminate the costly and time-consuming need for change orders and help your contractors prioritize your design intent throughout the construction process without losing sight of it. The design intent of your project should focus both on the functionality of the workspace as well as the aesthetics of the interior design.

In this article, we will zero in on the important role intent plays in office interior design projects in New York City and elsewhere, examining the particular needs and functions of the most important people who will be using the space: employees and clients. Keeping intent in mind will allow you to communicate better with your architect or NYC office interior designer.


The happiness, well-being and safety of workers are of utmost concern to employers right now. In an effort to entice workers back to the office after months of home office, and with the need to attract and retain talent, employers are super-motivated to create workspaces where their employees feel comfortable. Gone are the days of cube farms. Today’s offices require extraordinary design to attract and keep talent. They are very different places than they were in the not-too-distant past, as open floor plans and innovative design promoting freedom of movement have replaced the traditional workstation and cubicle design layout.

A variety of space types, including lounges with a living room-like atmosphere, drawing on residential interior design, as well as pods and phone booths, has replaced the assigned desk model. As companies in NYC are strategizing about how to bring workers back to the office as the pandemic’s grip is loosened, design excellence has never been more important. The goal is to design interior spaces that are safe and effective, and one that promotes collaboration, innovation, and health.

One example of current office interior design trends is designing an office space based on activity-based working (ABW), a contemporary design model that empowers employees to choose among a variety of work settings geared towards various activities. It is based on the principle that workers will be more productive if they have appropriate spaces for the tasks they need to accomplish. From an interior design perspective, it strikes a balance between cubicle-based design on the one hand and an open-plan, collaboration workspace on the other.

According to WeWork’s Essential Guide to Activity-Based Working, “Employees today want more flexibility, autonomy, and the ability to choose when and where they work... Applied correctly, ABW offers a way for employees and employers to improve efficiency and productivity in the workplace, and show how flexible and adaptable it can be. Talent, especially in New York, is becoming more global and mobile than ever, and it’s important for the workplace to adapt and grow with the trend.”


Your clients represent the other half of the equation when you are considering design focus. Firms should think of their office space as an extension of their identity and style, hence the importance of office interior design . The two issues you should consider in your design intent is the impression you make on clients and customers, and how you use interior design to reflect your brand.

The Clients’ Experience

It’s a given that office interior design can enhance a customer’s experience. The importance of first impressions cannot be underestimated. When a customer walks into your office, the first thing he or she will notice is the interior design. Your goal is to enhance that experience through design excellence, which can be accomplished with a welcoming layout, comfortable seating, tasteful art pieces and accessories, and biophilic elements such as plants or outdoor views.

First impressions do matter. Regardless of whether your style is traditional or contemporary, it’s imperative to think of your office's hospitality during your interior design project. It can create a positive predisposition towards your company, because people often associate physical warmth with social warmth. This can be accomplished with the perfect choice of color palette and textures, flattering lighting, and furniture pieces and space planning. Consider what it would be like to be in the client’s shoes, reacting to your office’s overall style and the flow of its interior as the client walks through it, from the reception area to a private office or conference room. Details such as a round table to create a relaxed atmosphere, or curved rather than straight lines, can make a favorable impression on your client. At least one study has shown that the importance of hospitality — making people feel a positive experience — can be more important than the product or service you offer.


Your brand is what makes you unique and stand out against the competition. To establish yourself as a creditable business, you want to create a cohesive brand experience by coordinating your product or services, marketing materials and physical space. They should communicate your goals, values and corporate culture.

Expressing your brand through your interior space helps your clients and customers understand more about your company what why it is unique. Your office interior design style speaks volumes about your business, and plays a major role in reinforcing people’s perception of your brand, an essential element of your business. Office interior design that reflects your brand helps reinforce your business, strengthens the bond with your clients, and improves their experience.

Examples of ways in which your office’s interior design include an open floor plan with lots of shared space to reflect a sense of creativity and collaboration, or an abundance of sustainable materials and biophilic elements if you have a reputation of being an eco-friendly company.

 In conclusion, staying focused on the design intent of your project will help you communicate your goals to your decorator, architecture or interior design service. You rely on your employees and your customers for your success, so they should play a pivotal role when designing for your company’s future.


We’re a New York City interior design studio specializing in residential and commercial interior renovations. If you’d like to connect with us, please give us a call or book a complimentary consultation here.


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